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Communauté ludique (jeux vidéo, de rôle, de société, etc) destinée aux joueuses et joueurs francophones de tous horizons. French speaking people only.

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Gherhartd S.

6. That game you really want to play but can't seem to find the right group or time for

So many games! I like much too many games for the time I have.

Right now, I'd like to play Werewolf, The One Ring, Thirsty Sword Lesbian, City of Mist, Primetime Adventures 2nd ed., The One Ring, Chroniques de l'étrange, Masks, Nuit, Dominion, Factotums, MeGa⨯Cortex, Stonetop, Yazeba's B&B, Vampire v5, Flotsam, diverses homemade games…

Ask me tonight or tomorrow and I'll give a different list.